Strategic Communication

Building relationships with EU Institutions and stakeholders through dialogue and research is complex, time consuming and not without reputational risks for the clients’ name, brand or activity.

Yet, at Europtimum, we know the client is the expert and the one who should engage and communicate at EU level. We have therefore developed support services in strategic communication to ensure that our clients follow a safe and efficient strategy, with clear objectives and step-by-step actions. Europtimum’s methodology benefits from years of practice and feedback from clients, third parties and EU Institutions.

Social media

Europtimum has been at the forefront of advising its clients on social media, which can be a useful tool to support engagement plans and advocacy, although they were, of course, not conceived for European affairs. Indeed, while social media provide conspicuous amount of data, these are hardly relevant for building or improving public affairs strategies and action plans.

With our own tools and specific methodology, we can give value to European affairs for our clients’ social media communication activities and develop specifically designed strategies for an effective online communication, with a real offline impact on engagement plans. Our tools offer cost-effective solutions that help clients simplifying work and optimising resources.

Crisis communication

In an environment where news goes viral in seconds, the response to any public relations crisis must be centred on the ability to use all available platforms quickly and with a clear roadmap. Europtimum works with its clients to anticipate situations and cases where a crisis can become reality.

Through simulations and trainings, we develop a rapid response toolbox fit for our clients’ needs, helping them to evaluate public reactions and main risks. We might not be able to avoid the crisis, but we can minimise its impact by providing tools to react with timely, appropriate answers.